Chipping barnet:
Future high streets fund eoi
Client: London Borough of Barnet
In just three weeks, Remarkable City rapidly pulled together a comprehensive Future High Streets Fund Expression of Interest for Chipping Barnet, the underperforming town centre just north of High Barnet underground station.
Collaborating closely with the Chipping Barnet Town Team, the Remarkable City team facilitated a number of workshop sessions to refine the town centre’s vision. The team used existing plans, strategies, materials and evidence to underpin the argument and commissioned a resident survey that generated 250 responses. At the core of the application was that Chipping Barnet is an historic centre which has firm foundations to build on both in terms of heritage and retail. And also that work needed to be done to attract local residents into the town centre, but also attract visitors from across London and further afield.
All of which built the case for external investment to be invested to revive this historic centre that dates back to medieval times.
“In the past year, Remarkable City has undertaken two pieces of work focused on Barnet high streets, developing a town centre strategy and leading a funding bid. I have found them to be both thoughtful and thought-provoking. Duncan and the team have a great ability to draw on relevant experience and knowledge from elsewhere but also to understand the unique qualities of different places. Perhaps most importantly, Remarkable City is skilled in engaging local businesses and community members, helping to get them involved and excited about the possibilities.”
Jamie Robinson, Head of Business, Employment and Skills, London Borough of Barnet