Remarkable City supported Lambeth’s waterloo team in the development of a new workspace hub their successful good growth fund application to the GLA
We worked with LB Lambeth, and its close partners in the Leading Places consortium, which includes London South Bank University (LSBU) and Young Lambeth Coop, to create a events space and affordable workspace to help galvanise Waterloo's corporates, startups and grassroots organisations.
Remarkable City worked with LB Lambeth and the partnership to write the Expression of Interest to the GLA as part of their first ever Good Growth Fund round, which supports economic regeneration and the development of social infrastructure across the capital. We then helped them with the full application, and Waterloo Works was awarded 100% of its funding.
“Remarkable City were pivotal in creating the unique workspace and training concept for Waterloo Works, which will help transform and connect up Waterloo’s creative and digital cluster. They were instrumental in bringing together a local cross-industry team, that helped the idea gain traction and momentum, and securing Good Growth Fund support from the GLA.”
Duncan Brown, Waterloo Delivery Lead, London Borough of Lambeth