The High Street Fights Back - our new Thought Piece about High Streets
We’ve written a thought piece on high streets
To get a copy of the ‘The High Street Fights Back’ please email, and include in the subject line ‘Please send high street report’.
We hope you find it useful.
If you want to share the report, we ask you to please forward on the link to this page, rather than the report itself. That way we’re able to track who it has gone to. We’ll also be updating the report and publishing it more widely at the end of September, so your feedback would be appreciated. Please see below for more details.
Why we’ve written this report
We care passionately about the future of the high street in the UK. These are our centres of community bring happiness and prosperity. We think that if properly supported they can be standout successes in the new economy.
We’ve seen organisations and individuals talk about how one or two specific things need to happen. However, we see this as being a macro challenge, where everyone in the ecosystem plays their part.
We wanted to add our voice to this important discussion. At the same time, we’re looking to highlight our capability in this area.
We’d love to hear your thoughts. And we’d love to work with you.
Please let us know what you think
If you can spare a couple of minutes, it would be really helpful if you can share with us what you think of the report:
Also, please spread the word about this report on social media and join the broader discussion about the high street. Please tag us in any posts; we are @RemarkableCity on Twitter and Instagram.